Wednesday, September 05, 2007

brand new virtual ego

mi-am schimbat template-ul. any opinions, thoughts, sarcastic comments...?
ma atasasem destul de primul, desi era alb. dar asta e mai...gri :)

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seamana cu seveeeen! :P [nu stiu de ce mi se pare asta...dar this is it...]

because it's..... i don't know :| what were you thinking...

fine, THERE! :p

oh, kus, ce layout misto ti-ai tras! ne place muuuult :DDD

(i like the background color. it's like grey meets dark brown = smooth. si the text color is pretty nifty too :))

happy? :3

you have no clue :)

we have no clue...but we have you \:d/

we love:) iz very evil

mie-mi placea mai mult celalalt.probabil pt ca am probleme cu ochii...:D..dar merge orice as long as it`s yours

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